Rotterdam – Parkstad
Urban design plan

Parkstad, Rotterdam, 2009
A hole in the city

For years now, a large part of the city has remained undeveloped in Rotterdam South. A railway yard, a water-retaining structure, a temporarily laid out park and heavy urban infrastructure dominate the area’s appearance. Residential neighbourhoods of the Kop van Zuid and Afrikaanderwijk flank this void. The Parkstad/Afrikaanderwijk scheme will transform the void into a new urban district, the development that ties in with the regeneration of the Afrikaanderwijk.

Connecting element in Rotterdam South

Parkstad/Afrikaanderwijk is a connecting element that will convert the patchwork of urban fragments into one coherent multifaceted part of the city. A comprehensive system of routes, facilities and parks forms the basis for the design. Within this framework urban blocks will be developed, containing a mix of various housing types. To supplement the housing programme, the scheme includes a city swimming pool, sports facilities, two primary schools and a secondary one.

See also

Vestia/Estrade en gemeente Rotterdam
Planvorming en realisatie: 2006 – 2009