Ede-Oost / Railway zone
Masterplan for the redevelopment of the barracks sites, railway zone, the vicinity of the railway station and industrial sites.

The Veluwse Poort Masterplan covers a series of large-scale locations on the east side of Ede and comprises a spatial framework in which cultural and historic relics, the qualities of the landscape and the infrastructure are brought together into one coherent whole.

New infrastructure connecting Ede on the east side with the motorway A.. provides access to the sites of the former ENKA factory complex and the four old barracks sites. A number of places along this parkway reveal Ede’s military heritage. The landscape and its history have also been made accessible to the hiker. He can enjoy old avenues of trees, perpendicular to the parkway, that connect Ede with the Veluwe, as routes for slower traffic.

The surroundings of the station there where the parkway crosses the railway line to Utrecht-Arnhem are transformed from a poorly organised and spatially nondescript area into a coherent location for development, with a clear logistical concept. The forecourt of the adjoining Maurits Barracks is furnished as a public park. On the south side space is provided for a new transfer point for public transit, accompanying the redevelopment of the ENKA site. A generous railway underpass flanked by the barracks park and the public transfer point connects the barracks sites with ENKA and defines the location of the new station Ede-Wageningen.

This access infrastructure, recreational routes between city and landscape, and the transformed surroundings of the station establish a framework within which the vacated barracks sites and the ENKA complex will be redeveloped as autonomous residential and work enclaves in terms of their appearance and programme.

Our practice worked on the creation of this Masterplan between 2004 and 2008. During the subsequent period of plan elaboration Jaap van den Bout has remained the supervisor of the Veluwse Poort project until today.

Palmbout Urban Landscapes in conjunction with:

Ede municipality, Planmaat, Nieuwe Gracht, Arcadis Infra, Braaksma & Roos, Goudappel Coffeng, Tauw, Deloitte ICS adviseurs, Companen, Buck Consultants International, Route IV

Gemeente Ede
ontwerp 2004-2008